As we move into a new year - a focus on care and listening. Two offerings:

1) A re-read of Clore Leadership - A (working) manifesto of care - Lizzy Maries and Raquel Villar-Pérez

2) Next Listening Circle - Friday 23rd Feb 2024, 3-4pm. More information and sign-up.

Things that I love / recommend in Winter 2023/2024

Early-years Theatre works
Father Christmas - at The Berry Theatre - was brilliant. Nothing wasted - nothing overdone. True to Raymond Briggs and his delicious ‘The snowman melts’ approach to the reality of life.
Hazel Monaghan on music had my toddler captivated.

Counting Down to Christmas - Mast Mayflower has been a tradition of ours for 3 years running now - the relaxed 0-5 show in the smaller theatre is always beautiful and so welcome against a harsher backdrop of pantos which are fabulous - but too long / harsh for early years. The Creative Team bring a sensory show that lands perfectly in the lap of wriggly young people.

User Guide to Co-Leadership by Dr Claire Antrobus